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In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in North Cyprus


In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a fertility procedure where fertilisation occurs outside the body. It stands as one of the various techniques accessible to assist individuals with fertility challenges in achieving parenthood.

Within the IVF process, eggs are united with sperm within a laboratory environment. This can involve utilising your own eggs and sperm or opting for donor eggs and sperm. Once fertilisation occurs, the resulting entity is termed an embryo, which can subsequently be transferred into the uterus for development or preserved for future transfer.

IVF is often described as a cycle, encompassing distinct stages throughout the process. Comprehensive details regarding each stage of the IVF procedure are provided step by step below.

What is the IVF process?

The IVF procedure encompasses seven key stages, spanning consultations, assessments, and the treatment cycle.

At Nicosia IVF, we recognize the distinctiveness of each individual's body and treatment journey. Thus, our treatment plans are tailored to optimise your chances of achieving parenthood. As a result, your specific plan might deviate slightly from this guide, ensuring you receive the precise tests and treatments that cater to your unique fertility needs

Throughout the entirety of the process, we are committed to keeping you informed. We will thoroughly elucidate each phase of your personalised IVF treatment plan, ensuring you are fully aware of the progress and details at every step.

Stage 01
Ovulation Induction
Stage 01

Ovulation Induction

Before starting ovulation induction, our patients meet with a physician to develop a personalized treatment plan, which includes reviewing necessary tests and fertility medications. We then create a tailored medication plan to stimulate your ovaries, closely monitoring progress through ultrasounds and blood tests. This marks a crucial step in your journey towards parenthood.

Step 02

Egg Retrieval

We will Perform a minor surgical procedure to gently retrieve the mature eggs from your ovaries. This procedure is guided by ultrasound imaging and is designed to be as comfortable as possible. Your retrieved eggs will then be carefully prepared for fertilization.

Step 03

Insemination and Fertilization

During that same day, we will request the male partner to provide a semen sample in our exclusive, designated facility. Alternatively, if frozen sperm is designated (whether from a partner or donor), it will be thawed shortly after the egg retrieval. Our experienced embryology team will meticulously process the sample to isolate the most viable sperm.

Stage 04

Embryo Culture and Development

Fertilisation of retrieved eggs with the partner's sperm takes place in a controlled lab environment, followed by careful embryo cultivation.

Stage 05

Embryo Transfer

Finally, we will gently transfer the carefully selected embryos into your uterus using a thin catheter, guided by ultrasound. This is a straightforward and virtually painless procedure, similar to a pap smear. The number of embryos we transfer will be determined based on various factors, taking your unique circumstances into account.

Remember, each step is personalized to your specific needs and circumstances, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Your journey to parenthood is our priority, and we're dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and expertise.

Easy step for your solution in just no time

Embark on a smooth fertility journey through our individualised treatment offerings, which encompass accommodation selections ranging from boutique hotels to comprehensive 5-star resorts, along with airport transfers.

These options are meticulously tailored to your arrival time and treatment strategy, ensuring a stress-free experience.

Book an appointment

Take the first step by filling out the form. Our team will then reach out to you for a callback and personalised discussion.

Confirm Appointment

Confirm your appointment and go over the treatment package details with our team to ensure everything aligns.

Book an appointment

With your appointment set, follow your well-planned itinerary, which includes accommodation options for a seamless visit to our clinic.