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Egg Donation in North Cyprus


Egg donation therapy involves acquiring eggs from a fertile woman, distinct from the prospective mother, for use in the IVF procedure. This revolutionary procedure offers an avenue to parenthood that may have seemed elusive.

Who Benefits from Egg Donation?

Egg donation extends its embrace to a wide spectrum of individuals and couples, including:

  • Women with Ovarian Dysfunction: Those facing premature ovarian failure or diminished ovarian reserve can find renewed hope through donated eggs.
  • Couples Dealing with Age-related Challenges: As age impacts fertility, egg donation is a beacon of optimism for older couples facing fertility hurdles.
  • Genetic Concerns: Couples with genetic worries can mitigate risks by opting for egg donation, reducing the likelihood of passing on hereditary disorders.
  • IVF Struggles: Individuals who have faced recurrent IVF failures using their own eggs may discover success through donor eggs.
  • Single Parents and Same-Sex Couples: Egg donation opens doors for those who lack the means to produce eggs naturally, including single parents and same-sex couples.

Recommended Candidates for Oocyte (Egg) Donation

While egg donation offers hope to a wide range of hopeful parents, it is especially recommended for:

  • Quality-Concerned Individuals: If egg quality becomes an obstacle to conception, donor eggs can be a transformative solution.
  • Women with Premature Ovarian Failure: Premature cessation of ovarian function can be disheartening, but egg donation presents an opportunity for pregnancy.
  • Mature Individuals: Advanced maternal age can diminish egg quality and quantity, making egg donation an appealing choice for older individuals.
  • Genetic Considerations: Those worried about hereditary genetic issues can choose egg donation to minimise potential risks.
  • Persistent IVF Struggles: Couples facing repeated IVF failures using their own eggs can find new hope through donor eggs.

The Five Stages of Treatment

Egg donation encompasses a carefully orchestrated series of steps designed to guarantee a favorable result for both donors and recipients:

Stage 01
Selecting and Screening Donors
Stage 01

Selecting and Screening Donors

Rigorous selection criteria, including medical, genetic, and psychological evaluations, ensure the suitability of egg donors.

Step 02

Achieving Synchronisation

Donors' menstrual cycles are synchronized with recipients' cycles using hormonal medications.

Step 03

Retrieving Oocytes (Eggs)

Donors undergo a minor surgical procedure to extract mature eggs, a crucial step in the process.

Stage 04

Fertilisation and Embryo Cultivation

Fertilisation of retrieved eggs with the partner's sperm takes place in a controlled lab environment, followed by careful embryo cultivation.

Stage 05

Embryo Transfer

Once embryos reach an optimal developmental stage, they are gently transferred to the recipient's uterus, aiming for successful implantation.

Nicosia IVF Center presents this procedure, providing an avenue for addressing a variety of fertility obstacles. It bestows the possibility of parenthood upon individuals and couples who may encounter hurdles otherwise.

By grasping the scope of potential beneficiaries, suitable candidates, and the crucial treatment phases, you can initiate an extraordinary expedition towards creating a family via the extraordinary route of egg donation.

If you're prepared to delve into this transformative opportunity, our team is here to accompany you through every stage. Feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation and take the first step toward this life-altering journey.

Easy step for your solution in just no time

Embark on a smooth fertility journey through our individualised treatment offerings, which encompass accommodation selections ranging from boutique hotels to comprehensive 5-star resorts, along with airport transfers.

These options are meticulously tailored to your arrival time and treatment strategy, ensuring a stress-free experience.

Book an appointment

Take the first step by filling out the form. Our team will then reach out to you for a callback and personalised discussion.

Confirm Appointment

Confirm your appointment and go over the treatment package details with our team to ensure everything aligns.

Book an appointment

With your appointment set, follow your well-planned itinerary, which includes accommodation options for a seamless visit to our clinic.