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Egg Freezing in North Cyprus


Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a medical procedure that involves extracting a woman's eggs from her ovaries, freezing them, and storing them for future use. This process allows women to preserve their fertility by effectively "pausing" their biological clock.

The frozen eggs can be thawed, fertilised with sperm in a laboratory setting, and then transferred into the woman's uterus as embryos in the future, potentially leading to a successful pregnancy.

Is egg freezing right for me?

Numerous social and medical factors, ranging from professional pursuits to health concerns, could lead you to consider egg freezing as a means to manage your fertility. A woman possesses a limited supply of eggs that are released from the onset of puberty until approximately the age of 50, coinciding with the onset of menopause.

However, quality and egg count declines over time and more rapidly after the age of 35. But with egg freezing, you can take the pressure off while preserving your fertility for the future. Our fertility specialists will talk to you about your fertility health in-depth, so you can make an informed decision about whether egg freezing is the best option for you.

We'll perform the following routing investigations

Stage 01
Fertility Check-up
Stage 01

Fertility Check-up

Initiating the process of egg freezing involves an initial consultation with our fertility experts. Comprehensive screening and assessments, encompassing blood tests and ultrasound scans, will be conducted to assess the suitability of the treatment for your circumstances. Should you opt to proceed, our team will guide you through self-administering the required medications as an integral part of the treatment procedure.

Step 02

Stimulating your ovaries

In this phase, you'll be administered specific medications that encourage your ovaries to produce multiple eggs, rather than the usual one egg in a menstrual cycle. The goal is to increase the number of eggs available for retrieval during the upcoming step.

Step 03

Collecting your eggs

Your eggs will be gathered through a needle inserted into the vagina under the guidance of ultrasound. This process usually lasts less than 30 minutes, and you will receive mild intravenous sedation to ensure you experience minimal discomfort. After the doctor deems it appropriate, you will be cleared for discharge on the same day, allowing you to return home.

Stage 04

Freezing your eggs

We take every suitable egg collected and carefully freeze them using liquid nitrogen to reach a temperature of -196 °C. These frozen eggs are then stored securely for your future use. For medical purposes, storage can extend up to 55 years, while social reasons allow storage for 10 years. If the situation suggests, the 10-year social storage duration can be extended to 55 years, especially if you or your partner may encounter fertility issues within that time frame.

Easy step for your solution in just no time

Embark on a smooth fertility journey through our individualised treatment offerings, which encompass accommodation selections ranging from boutique hotels to comprehensive 5-star resorts, along with airport transfers.

These options are meticulously tailored to your arrival time and treatment strategy, ensuring a stress-free experience.

Book an appointment

Take the first step by filling out the form. Our team will then reach out to you for a callback and personalised discussion.

Confirm Appointment

Confirm your appointment and go over the treatment package details with our team to ensure everything aligns.

Book an appointment

With your appointment set, follow your well-planned itinerary, which includes accommodation options for a seamless visit to our clinic.